Everyone wants to look appealing. The first thought which comes to our mind when we talk about beauty is external beauty. Real beauty is inside but you can’t deny the fact that outer beauty makes you confident about your inner beauty too.
One common issue faced by several people is armpit fat. The jiggly bit of fat underarm is not easy to escape or get rid of. However, you can’t make your muscles tighter too in that area. This fat is under your arms and near your boobs which can make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
You can have a workout for the entire body but when it comes to armpit workout we often miss out on that. You don’t need to hit the gym for this. You can lose armpit weight by working out at home. You have to target your shoulder, upper body area when working out.
Below are some ways for fat burning, strengthening the body, and the arm-toning method.
How to reduce your armpit fat
Miracle exercise for working out for your armpit fat or toning your arms is push-ups. First, lie on the ground touching your belly with your legs straight. Keep your feet flexed which leads to your toes touching the floor. Place your hands underneath your shoulders, keep your elbows bent. Now keep your hands close to both sides of your body.
Now use your arms to lift your chest and hips off the ground. Then lower your body as close as to the ground but don’t touch the ground and lift it again with both of your arms. Repeat this process and perform this 20-30 times.
This aids in strengthening your upper body and core. For this, you have to get in a plank position by touching your stomach. Keep your elbows and palms straight on the floor. Now raise your body in a straight line and then make a push-up position. Lift your arms and bring your toes forward and raise your body. Then come back to the commencing position and repeat this procedure. Do it 10-15 times.
Lift heavyweight
Another way to lose armpit fat is by hitting the gym. You can try this exercise both at home and at the gym. Start lifting heavyweights. You should lift heavy weights to see faster results. However, it’s advisable to go slow and steady as lifting heavy weights can also cause muscle cramps.
High-intensity cardio
High-intensity cardio comes with lots of benefits. One such benefit is losing arm fat. You can try doing high-intensity cardio for 10-15 minutes a day and you will see the change within a week. You will also see the body fat removal along with arm fat. This exercise aids in making your overall body fitness.
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Focus on your chest
One way to lose armpit fat is by focusing on chest building. All the exercises of chest building contribute to reducing armpit fat. You can opt for several exercises for chest building like pull-ups, cable pull-downs, and chin-ups.
Summing up
These all exercises can contribute to getting rid of your armpit fat. Try doing at least 2-3 of them in a day for 15-20 minutes and you will experience your tighter armpits within a week.
There are a few more exercises for your help-
- Triceps with a single arm
- Focus on your back
If you don’t have time to exercise or workout then here are some other ways to lose armpit fat-
- By skipping
- By stretching
- By doing hand exercises